Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rest in Peace - My Lovely Dino

My lovely Dino died this morning when my brother found out he was lying restlessly without moving anymore.My brother and sister told me this few days he is getting weak and they plan yesterday bring him for doctor today.but its too late. i was not around and i couldn't see his last breathe. I am at kl now and i can't do anything, i wanted to see him badly. This incident has caused me thinking and crying non-stop. My whole family too. Today is Father's day and my father are very sad. His missing today had caused my whole family was so down. Without him, everyone is lovely. Whole house is getting quiet. That is to proved he is important in our lives. I will always remember his naughty look and innocent look.He is my listener as well, every time when i sad or happy. When i talk to him, he seems to be understand. When i cry, he always lick my face to clean out my tears..... Oh gosh, every moment and picture that I'm with him is coming out to my mind now. I've a really bad time now. Will, i guess time heals. i will try to think in a better way as in he will be reborn as someone better perhaps he will not go through so much torture in her sickness. One word, i will always
remember and misses him. Dino Boy, mummy love you ! =(


Jejah_Johan said...

owh my...
poor u babe

堕落天使 said...

sad to hear that >.<